Thursday, October 1, 2009

A blog is born

It's a Monday evening and I'm writing, erasing, and writing again this first line of the first blog again and again. I don't know how to begin. This seems funny given all the new beginnings I have experienced in the past year or so. I should be used to this. In a short period of time, I have basically begun a new life, and sometimes I don't recognize myself. Here I am - a new wife, mother, teacher, and now....another new beginning....I'm a Blogger!

A number of students and friends propelled me to start sharing my words through this medium. I am usually so free with expressing myself in my classes, and in conversation. But, writing this is strangely difficult for me. I think it's because I feel the weight of the reality that when I finish saying what I have to say, and press the "publish" button, my words go out into the ether, into what seems like an infinite space of countless possible readers. And, that notion is so daunting to me. I have been on My Space and Facebook for a while now, but I rarely post there. I mostly live a voyeristic exisitence in cyberspace, other than emails. I wonder about how what I may say will be received by so many out there. I guess it is not all that different from what I offer in classes, or when I set an intention in practice, or even when I pray. I write or speak the message and then push "send" - out into the world.

So, I'd like to give this a try. My intention is to post a blog monthly on a particular topic that relates to my Yoga practice or to an interesting life experience, and then keep the conversation going as much as possible (please be patient with this sleep deprived new Mom...thanks). Although this seems so new to me, I am reminded that new beginnings are almost always akward and uncomfortable, but we cannot transform without taking that risk and making our way through.

So, I will stop typing and retyping. I will speak from my heart and try not to worry about how it looks or sounds and just blog it out. I look forward to sharing ideas and opening up conversations. I guess this is the gift of blogging, the feeling of connection that can somehow be felt through the Universe with the touch of a button. I'm still not sure about it. I prefer a hug and a smile, and the feeling of awareness when I tune in and breathe. But, this is a start, a new beginning. Let's see what happens....

Sending LOVE.




  1. Blessings // sri sri sri ek sah maha Lakshmi ma ki Jai !
    Gum Ganapati aum // siva aum

  2. You go, Karin! I am very happy you decided to step out in faith and do this! Not counting school teacher-related stuff on the internet, yours is the first blog I've been interested enough in to follow! No time for more now, since it's late and I still have chores, but wanted to be sure and give you some positive feedback right away!
    :-) Miriam

  3. I am looking forward to your blog Karin. Om Shanti.

  4. Karin, congratulations! I think this is so great. What an opportunity to challenege boundaries, grow and develop. I can't wait to follow your posts.
